Posts Tagged ‘Up in the Air’

Up in the Air

February 1, 2010
I went to see “Up in the Air” December 23, 2009 and January 20, 2010.
Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a guy who believes that relationships impede growth by needlessly burdening us and tying us down. The only way to be free, and thus alive, is to keep all relationships at arms length (or further).
Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) believes that everyone should be in a relationship with someone. If you are single, you’re lacking and should be aspiring to be in a committed relationship.
The film lets the two of them argue about it under the safety of the two of them not being sexually or romantically involved with each other. In a typical movie the two of them would end up married or something, but in this movie the two of them are able to discuss their outlooks without that tension.

It seemed to me that the film sides with Natalie, but I have to admit that Ryan seems to make the better argument.

Small quibbles about the film. Characters closest to Ryan call him a jerk, but he doesn’t come across like that on film. Ryan gives motivational speeches advising fewer serious relationships, so how does his closest sister not know?

Overall, I thought this was a very good film. It had very good dialogue and raised a lot of questions about whether we are better off together or apart.

I rate this film a 8 out 10. Take one off if you suffering from George Clooney burnout. Add one if you agree with the message of the film.